Kathryn Wagner, education coordinator Inside Education; Susan Reynolds,
teacher at Hughenden Public School; Jenna Howlett, teacher at Dewberry
School. ECA Review/Submitted
Hughenden Public School (HPS) gives a huge shout out of appreciation to the non-profit organization, Inside Education, for their continued support of learning at our school.
This past June we were notified that we had won a $5,000 grant to be used to purchase science equipment that will enhance our work that we are doing with Hughenden Public School (HPS) students, as well as students in other schools that we connect with through video-conferencing.
Buffalo Trail School Division (BTPS) has a commitment to providing authentic learning experiences for students that involve as much rich inquiry learning as possible.
HPS takes this goal very seriously and continues to embrace the challenges that small rural schools in Alberta face.
We do this through our pursuit of additional opportunities to enhance the work we do for and with students.
Prior to school starting, Ms. Reynolds, and her former student-teacher, who is now a fully certified teacher employed by BTPS, Miss Jenna Howlett, travelled to Calgary to take in a rich professional development workshop on the topic of Energy.
The two days were immensely full with experts delivering knowledge and up-dates on innovation in Alberta.
They participated in experiental learning, net-worked and collaborated with fellow colleagues across the province where they had professional conversations on best practice for high student engagement in their learning, had an opportunity to tour District Energy run by Enermax and more.
It especially impressed them on the investment and commitment Alberta has in leading the way through innovation, such as what they saw at District Energy which is a facility that provides all of the heating for numerous skyrises in the Eastern Village of downtown Calgary.
These buildings did not require their own boilers thereby increasing efficient use of energy.
We sincerely extend our appreciation to BP Energy, Enermax and Efficiency Alberta for financially making possible this incredible professional development opportunity.
BP Energy provided the $5,000 grant to our school.
This is a program that embarks on its thirteenth year of financial support of education in Alberta. We look forward to spending these funds to enrich the learning opportunities for students this year and over the years to come!
Lastly, both Jenna and Susan were incredibly impressed with the passion of the staff who make up Inside Education.
This organization, in our opinion, provides some of the best Professional Development opportunities, typically free of charge, to Alberta teachers.