Dear Editor,
I am a home and property owner here in Castor, a retired Veteran and Father of two.
I pay my taxes and town bills and believe I do my share to contribute to our community.
Two weeks ago I had an issue with the garbage service as my two garbage cans and lids were scattered into the alley after garbage pickup.
I called the town clerk and she was very respectful and said she would look into this.
Last week the same outcome with my cans after garbage pickup.
I emailed the town clerk about this and included pictures.
I received a defensive, unsympathetic email from the Town’s Chief Administrator Officer (CAO), saying it was not the garbage workers fault and was due to the wind and how I should position my cans more securely.
Wrong answer.
This week upon pickup, I was watching out the window and two gents in a town pickup came to collect my trash, very odd. The one fellow saw me in the window and gave me a very very threatening death stare continuously.
I went outside to confront the man, he taunted me and laughed.
I called the town’s CAO for the second time and said, I want no trouble, and if we could just restart and let this go.
He responded with “if you let this go, the town would let it go”.
To my dismay I said, what is the town going to let go on me? I hung up and emailed him that I wish no more garbage pickup from my property.
In reflection, I am asking myself, who pays their wages and do I not have the right to voice my concerns?
Why am I being punished for asking for a little respect for my property?
This administration needs to seriously have a look at how they communicate and who is the customer here.
During these times we all have a lot more to be concerned about than our trash pickup. I will take my trash to the dump while still paying for garbage pickup.
Don J. McKim
Castor, Alta.