Dear Editor,
First, I wish to commend MP Damien Kurek for his very informative and well-written letter titled, No Canadian culture without free speech’ pg. 6, March 9.
In reference to the letter by George Thatcher, March 23, pg. 2, Free Speech is free as long as a person doesn’t lie’, just wondering what he uses to decide what is truth and what is lies, or what is information and what is disinformation. Who is to decide?
Yes, to be sure, there is only one truth but since when must my truth necessarily agree with your truth?
I, for one, certainly wouldn’t put an ounce of trust in the Canadian Government and their woke thought police or Trudeau to decide for me what I should be allowed to watch or read, or what I should believe.
There are two sides to everything. That includes the media. There are the Liberal-Democrat-leaning news sources as well as the Conservative-Republican-leaning news sources. Both have their own take on current events.
As far as who is right or who is wrong, there is plenty of guilt to go around. The U.S. Constitution makes it clear that both sides have a right to exist. Without this we would have a one-party state and autocratic political system.
Is that really what we want?
At least 74 million people out of 133 million registered voters in the USA voted for Trump in the last election. You call them minions?
My point is this. No one, except within a dictatorship, is in a position to legislate or arbitrarily decide for us, where the truth “lies”. And further, in my opinion, government edict of identity channeling and racial equity instead of racial equality is in itself, racism.
It’s been said that the pen is mightier than the sword. There are those who would like to destroy the power of the pen. Take the freedom from this land which has been home to my family for over 110 years.
I will fight before I will exist either without guns, without free speech, or inside George Thatcher’s vision of a Canadian-mandated truth utopia.
In my opinion.
M. Lee Hudson
Calgary/County of Paintearth