Dear Editor,
Our elected representatives should not be mere puppets. We expect them to be men and women of integrity.
Instead, it often appears that they begin with wealth and position enabled by the wealth of others who intend to “pull strings” to accrue more wealth to themselves.
Pride and arrogance rather than servant-hood becomes the norm for politicians.
Currently, we are being “governed” by unelected bureaucrats under the guise of health officers.
As a result of their health orders, Premier Kenney glibly wishes us “Happy Lent”, a season of penitence?, while allowing the jailing of a pastor trying to give hope to people suffering from the devastating effects of continuing lock-downs.
Premier Kenney simply doesn’t accept the wisdom of Alberta’s heart transplant pioneer, Dr. Dennis Modry, nor the over 50,000 medical experts who have signed the Great Barrington Declaration.
Rather than even considering the multi-faceted harms of the lock-downs, Premier Kenney has chosen to continue to be mesmerized by the statistics of his health officer who is neither a trained economist nor even a practising doctor.
On Facebook Live, Premier Kenney claimed to have received and read Klaus Schwab’s, The Great Reset, but said he “didn’t have time for conspiracy theories”.
However, there is the tax-payer funded Nemeth Report commissioned to investigate the influence of foreign entities titled: A New Global Paradigm: Understanding the Transnational Progressive Movement, the Energy Transition and the Great Transformation Strangling Alberta’s Petroleum Industry.
Rather than standing up for Alberta’s energy sector, it appears Jason Kenney is quietly going along with Trudeau’s “reset” agenda. From page 44 of the 107 page report, I quote: “Premier Kenney suggested that he would prefer it if Alberta’s petroleum industry would be among those remaining producers allowed to produce those last permissible supplies in the new civilization to emerge from the Great Transformation”.
Is this Alberta “strong and free”? Do we continue to hide, shrug our shoulders and allow our freedom to be taken from us?
Pat Holloway
Castor, Alta.