After doing some inventory checks, it was discovered that four master keys for the village are missing.
Interim Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Bill Wulff shared with Delia council at the regular meeting on Dec. 14 that there is only one master key left in the vault as well.
Two of the four can be accounted for as they are most likely with former employees but the whereabouts of the other two are still a mystery for administration and council.
“That’s terrible, that’s almost half our keys unaccounted for,” said Coun. Melody Christofferson.
Council inquired about the price of redoing the locks with new keys but were also concerned there were quite a few to do that could be costly.
They asked administration and public works to determine how many keys would need to be replaced at each location and the cost to do so.
This topic will be brought back to council for future discussion.
Equipment lending
During Public Works Foreman Dan Tremblay’s report to council, Coun. Christofferson mentioned one point that a resident was storing and continually using a sewer snake that is village property for the past six years.
Oftentimes, the piece of equipment is needed during after-hours or on weekends due to a sag in the pipe which needs to be cleared regularly so it was determined in the past they hold onto it because of the frequency.
The resident shared with Tremblay that the door was always open and that public works could grab it from the shed whenever needed for other projects.
Tremblay was not sure this was allowed.
Council determined this was not, as it could be a precedent for others by allowing others to hold onto equipment which could end up being lost or stolen.
“If he has the right to inventory our stuff then everyone has the right to inventory our stuff,” said CAO Wulff.
They added that a 50 ft. sewer snake would not cost more than $50 to purchase for personal use which they recommended the resident do instead.
Council was appreciative of Tremblay’s reports that held much of the daily activities of public works.
Ramp installation
It was determined at the latest meeting that the village office requires a ramp for better accessibility.
A letter was sent in from the Barrier-Free Alberta Initiative that this will become law soon enough.
Administration looked at prices for treated plywood but found prices to be through the roof at $97.
Coun. Christopherson remarked it was almost cheaper to install concrete instead at that price point which Mayor David Sisley and CAO Wulff agreed.
The CAO recommended a five inch rise in the form of a ramp with grit for traction to the side of the door to create this accessibility.
Council agreed to have a wooden ramp built in the springtime and which has already been added as a budget item for the 2022 year.
Administration will also share the news of a possible law coming into effect which may affect business owners within the village.
Snow removal
Public works foreman Dan Tremblay proposed some new improvements to the snow removal policy and program while also recommending some much-needed purchases.
Tremblay has experience from working in Three Hills so he suggested plowing to the boulevards and plowing out driveways upon request.
Council didn’t like this idea as ‘wind blows in this country’ the piles created could become like a solid snow fence and create more of a runoff problem come spring.
Coun. Christofferson suggested there are people who are willing to work by shovelling sidewalks so the village shouldn’t compete for it.
She added that the village can provide names of these people who are willing to shovel to get the message out that it is the resident’s responsibility.
Tremblay asked council for a couple of purchase requests including a snowblower and steamer.
The steamer costs approximately $1,500 for the actual tool, two hoses and a tiger torch. It will be used for sewer lines, manhole accesses and so forth.
Council passed a motion to move to purchase the steamer and tiger torch at $1,500 not to exceed this amount.
The snowblower will be discussed at a future meeting.
The other slight change was regarding volunteers.
CAO Wulff found there are a few volunteers with snowblowers or other machines to clear walkways but found that this can be an insurance liability.
It was agreed these particular volunteers would be considered ‘casual employees’ where the equipment would be covered by insurance at that point.
Library Board appointments
Council accepted two appointments made to the Delia Library board.
Colette Morlock was reappointed while Karla Nielsen has joined the board as a new member.
Both will sit on the directorship board for a three-year term.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review