Village of Cereal pleads guilty to pesticide charge 

The Village of Cereal, the village foreman and a campground caretaker have each pleaded guilty to improper application of a pesticide.

The village and village foreman Kenneth William Rude each pleaded guilty to one count involving the improper application of strychnine under the Pesticide Sales, Handling, Use and Application Regulation.

Campground caretaker Darcy Gene Olds pleaded guilty to a different count under the same regulation involving the improper application of Ramex.

All other charges against the parties were withdrawn.

The Village of Cereal was penalized $5,000 for its role in the offence, plus an additional $750 victim fine surcharge.

Rude and Olds were each penalized $2,500 plus a $375 victim fine surcharge.

All three parties have until Feb. 28, 2020 to pay their fines and associated fees.

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ECA Review

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