In 2018, Forestburg council was informed that the natural gas pipeline travelling east from the village past Highway 36 is owned by the village.
This means it is their responsibility to maintain it.
Later in 2018, council did discuss the option of turning ownership of the line over to Phoenix Gas.
Since that time, the line has continued to age and Phoenix Gas has informed administration that the line will need to be coated in 2021 at a minimum cost of $20,765.
This cost would be assuming that no mature issues are discovered as the line is exposed for inspection.
Administration is concerned that as the line continues to age and deteriorate the liability held by the village will become unaffordable.
Council agreed to invite Phoenix Gas to meet to talk about a potential turnover of the pipeline at their regular meeting on Thur. Sept. 17.
Sidewalk replacement
The issue of sidewalk replacement was originally brought to council on Sept. 18, 2019 at which time no action was taken.
Informal discussions have continued regarding the lack of direction for sidewalk replacement/repairs and administration once again was seeking direction from council.
The current Sidewalk Replacement Policy sets out priority sidewalks and the steps to be undertaken to carry out maintenance on those priority sidewalks but it does not include a mechanism to deal with phasing out sidewalks outside of the priority areas.
This issue will be presented at the public engagement session on Oct. 29.
Administration was looking for direction as to the amendments to be made to this policy to ensure that damaged sidewalks outside of the priority areas are dealt with and no significant maintenance is carried out on sidewalks that will eventually be phased out.
Council directed administration to make a couple amendments including the need to add a colour coded plan as provided by Dep. Mayor Bob Coutts as well as add a section regarding the removal of sidewalks when deemed necessary.
Land sale
The sale of the land for the incinerator site has been completed.
Administration is expecting the remaining funds will be received soon.
Net funds total up to $111,855.44.
It was moved by council to approve transferring funds realized from the sale of Plan 9920067; Block 7; Lot 3 for $111,800 to the Land Development Reserve.
Dog Pound
With the closure of the Forestburg Veterinary Clinic, the village no longer has a designated animal impound facility.
The Animal Control Bylaw has been amended to remove any references to the Forestburg Veterinary Clinic as the pound.
Administration has been in discussions with an individual who is in the process of opening a Dog Rescue/Shelter in the Daysland area so a proposal has been provided for council’s review to utilize this site (if approved by Flagstaff County) as their animal impound centre.
The pound is hoping to have council agree to pay a retainer fee to ensure that their sight is available for use by the village if needed.
The owner is hoping to raise approximately $1,000 per month from the municipalities within the Flagstaff Region.
Council moved to inform Debbie Reynolds that the Village of Forestburg is willing to enter into negotiations regarding utilizing her shelter as an animal impound centre if the development is approved by Flagstaff County.
Bunker gear
At the meeting, it was moved by Coun. Dwayne Giroux that council approves the purchase of up to 15 sets of bunker gear at a cost not to exceed $3,500 per set and to use the funds generated from the Utility Fee for FRESS to pay for the purchase in a maximum amount of $52,500.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review