Dear Editor,
I would like to acknowledge the outpouring of sympathy expressed by my fellow Canadians with regard to the terrible act committed on our citizens in Quebec on January 29.
The rally of many in support of the Muslim community should remind us of the importance of being all inclusive and not marginalizing one another but showing respect for the citizens and the country we live in with our democratic ideals.
We pride ourselves on being tolerant and respectful of everyone despite our differing opinions from time to time.
This show of respect and honour was not only displayed in acts of kindness to those families directly impacted but in our government houses at every level as well.
In a display of respect for our values and beliefs flags were flown at half-staff, a symbolic gesture chosen to bring attention to the ideals we Canadians hold so dear.
Our local government also chose to fly flags at half-staff.
I can only hope that the Village council and administration take time to reflect on the true meaning of this symbolic gesture.
If we cannot be allowed unobstructed access to council to have open, fair and just discussions of legitimate issues without punitive actions, then perhaps the flag should continue to be flown at half-staff until that day arrives!
Respectfully submitted,
Howard Helton
Morrin, Ab.