Trochu Housing Corporation Life Lease Units over half pre-sold

The Trochu Housing Corporation (THC) board members are very pleased by the success of the first month of Life Lease Pre-sales.

On Feb. 9, 2021, Kneehill County committed to taking the next steps to assist the Town of Trochu in borrowing $20 million for their proposed Senior’s Living Complex to be constructed within Trochu.

Several conditions were put in place, one being a 90 per cent pre-sale of life lease units.

The Trochu Housing Corporation (THC) wasted no time tackling this condition.

President Sam Smalldon began holding information sessions starting Mon. March 8 at the town office.

Information sessions continue each Monday at 2 p.m. and these sessions allow people to virtually tour similar facilities in Olds and Sundre and to ask all questions they have.

To date, 14 of the 24 units have been pre-sold, which leads all to believe it will not be long until the THC reach their goal of pre-selling 90 per cent of the units.

“This excellent response to our initial marketing of life lease suites at our future facility supports and confirms the demand for this project,” stated Smalldon.

“Certainly, the residents of Trochu and the surrounding communities are demonstrating strong support and buy-in for this project.

“Our goal is to have this project approved and proceed once all project conditions are satisfied,” concluded Smalldon.



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