Traffic control measures implemented in Castor

Written by ECA Review

Castor council approved the placement of yield signs for traffic control measures during their Mon. July 24 meeting.

Signs would be placed at the intersections of 43 Street and 45 Avenue and 44 Street and 43 Avenue.

“If we have nothing, then we are liable,” said Coun. Kevin McDougall, when speaking about the new yield signs that will be placed.

Council also discussed getting more pedestrian crosswalk signs as the crosswalk at Prairie Manor Two only has the crosswalk and signage on one side, according to McDougall.

Council decided to look into getting signage for the side of the road that does not have any.

Municipal affairs letter
Council received a letter from Municipal Affairs about their 2023 Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) funding.

“We’ve got a letter from the Minister of Municipal Affairs, which is kind of good news on the MSI funding,” said Mayor Richard Elhard.

In 2023, the MSI program has been allocated a capital budget of $126,101. Additionally, the operating budget for the same year amounts to $128,358, which is twice the allocation amount from the previous year, signifying an increase in funding.

Furthermore, the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) program has received an allocation of $58,157 for the year 2023.

“So those values were already calculated in our 2023 budget. It’s just official that the funding is coming,” said Chief Administrative Officer Donna Rowland.

“The operating allocation is double what we got in 2022 but the capital allocation is lower.”

The town is getting approximately the same amount of funding it received in 2022; however, the MSI operating budget is double what was given in 2022 the MSI capital budget is lower.

“So they stole from one section and give it to the other,” said McDougall.

Jessica Campbell
ECA Review

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ECA Review

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