Traffic Control bylaw changes approved

Coronation town council approved changes the Traffic Control bylaw at their last regular meeting on Tues. Oct. 10, 2017. A recreational vehicle will now be defined as “a vehicle used or intended to be used for primarily recreational use, including any motor home, holiday trailer, trailer, camper tent trailer, any van or bus converted for use as a recreational vehicle, boat trailer, ATV trailer or non-commercial utility trailer”.
The issue was raised at a previous council meeting over the parking on the street of a couple of large motor homes blocking the view of drivers at corners.
Also included in the bylaw is the use of the flashing green light by volunteer firefighters to carry on, or in a vehicle, if they are proceeding to a fire in a vehicle other than an emergency vehicle.

Animal Control bylaw
The amended Animal Control bylaw was tabled to the next meeting pending a legal opinion.
Changes were made to the previous bylaw regarding the definition and regulations for ‘restricted dogs’.
Changes were also made to include provisions for female dogs in heat, unattended animals, dogs on pathways and prohibited areas, dogs exhibiting “threatening bahaviour”, guidelines for trapping cats and provisions for release of seized animals.
Provisions relating to the keeping of pigeons was deleted.
The town had initiated charges regarding a restricted dog but they were dropped due to an insufficient bylaw, according to the lawyer handling the case.

Bench placement

Considerable discussion was held over a bench placement on a cement pad on a town boulevard that was requested by the “Road to Success” Cancer Project committee. The committee works towards cancer prevention by making healthy choices and supportive environments.
The committee’s current project is to purchase benches to be utilized within the town, as requested by seniors that walk to the hospital.
Issues such as the bench being a possible gathering place causing noise, clutter, a nuisance for the residents and maintenance of the boulevard which is the responsibility of the resident, despite being on town property, were all addressed.
“If I owned a piece of property there [along Windsor Ave.], I wouldn’t want a bench in front,” said Mayor Mark Stannard.
The committee had approached residences along Windsor Ave. and found no one willing to have a bench in front of their residence.
Council, feeling a bench on the boulevard wasn’t accessible for seniors instead agreed to place the bench on a town owned vacant lot located at 5209 Windsor Ave.  The bench will face the street, with a waste receptacle, until such time that the lot gets sold.

Tax Recovery sale
Currently 12 properties are listed on the March 23, 2016 list of delinquent tax bills with outstanding balances in arrears. Reserve bids using the current year’s assessment value will be set prior to advertising the auction date in January.
“Most of the properties are occupied,” stated Chief Administrative Officer, Sandra Kulyk adding that most “go to the bank” and pay up prior to the auction.

Request accepted as information
Jayden Buxton’s request for support from the town for the Prairie Baseball Academy in Lethbridge of which he is a part of, was accepted for information.
Helping pay for operating a recreational facility in another community would be opening up a can of worms, noted Mayor Stannard.

Historical plaques
Coronation council approved five historical building plaques, 12 inches x 17 inches for four of them, and 13 inches x 17 inches for the old hospital plaque due to a greater amount of text.
The plaques are aluminum with raised lettering and a brushed finish for $4,368.56 and will be paid for with the Paintearth Economic Partnership Society Canada 150 Legacy Project grant from the federal government.
CAO Kulyk distributed the sample text and layout for council’s approval.

Disaster plan exercise moved forward
A disaster services plan will be re-addressed on Nov. 9, 2017 instead of November 2018 due to the disasterous snow storm Oct. 1-2.
Coun. Liz Adams had concerns raised to her that the Community Hall is the reception center in case of a disaster but there is no generator, therefore no heat and no lights.
It was also noted that Coronation & District Support Services (CDSS) is the volunteer group to head up the reception center but Coronation’s CDSS is only one person living herself out of town and therefore not necessarily available in a disaster such as this.
Discussion on a purchase of a generator led to discussions as to whether the Lion’s Rec Centre should be the reception centre since it would be less to heat, although concern was raised over the use of the kitchen due to the health inspector’s guidelines.

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ECA Review

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