Tourism, a sensory experience

Forestburg village council

New ideas were tossed around the table at the Forestburg village council meeting Oct. 7 including how tourism is now a sensory experience, how to use social media to better advertise the community’s tourism and business sector as well as how to approach a community mentoring program.

Discussions also included finding an additional $10,500 in the budget to add to a government grant to hire a summer student for 2016 to create both a web based and hard copy business directory for the village as well as explore marketing opportunities for existing local businesses as well as business expansion possibilities.

Councillor Fay Hagel presented council with a walking trail project for the community that includes exercise stations along the trail and a motion was carried to pursue the project with the assistance of the community development committee.

Positive feedback

During Forestburg’s village council there was a great deal of positive feedback from councillors recent attendance to the Alberta Municipal Affairs (AUMA) conference in Calgary from Sept. 23-25.

The AUMA represents urban municipalities including cities, towns, villages, summer villages and specialized municipalities and more than 85 per cent of Albertans.

It is an association advocating the interests of members to the provincial and federal orders of government and other stakeholders.

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ECA Review

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