Inter-church event – Time travel and learning experience

Coordinators of a traditional messianic Passover Seder Fri. March 29 in Three Hills, Cheryl McLim (left) and Kari Parlane, discussing the event held at Bethel Evangelical Missionary Church. A full house experienced a ritual that keeps alive the liberation of Israelites from Egyptian slavery as found in the Book of Exodus. ECA Review/D. Nadeau
Written by ECA Review

History experienced is history learned proved to be a helpful cliché March 29 at Bethel Evangelical Missionary Church in Three Hills.

The messianic Passover Seder followed Old Testament guidelines to remember the passing of ancient Israelites from slavery on their way to the Promised Land.

Hosted by Bethel Evangelical Missionary Church and Bridges for Peace, the inter-church event welcomed a full house of participants, some from as far away as Edmonton.

It was, as Three Hills resident and event participant Harvey Burkholder puts it, “a taste of history and appreciation of the factual, emotional and social importance of a Passover supper.”

That the event was held on Good Friday may have helped contemporary Christians link the elements of the Jewish Passover Seder (food, herbs, traditional customs) to Jesus’ life and death.

Organizer Cheryl McLim said in an interview that Christians have lost connection to their faith roots. “The event educates and equips Christians to identify with Israel, the Jewish people, and the biblical/Hebraic foundations of the Christian faith.”

“We visualized, touched and tasted the facts of Passover,” said Burkholder. “Sips of juice at intervals provided an emotional connection to Good Friday events. Singing gave other links to the past.”

Proceeds of $500 will be forwarded to Israel to assist Holocaust survivors.

Last week marked the tenth time the Passover Seder has been celebrated in Three Hills.

David Nadeau
ECA Review

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