Three Hills RCMP Detachment Commander praises good Samaritan for helping female that was in distress

Sgt. Jamie Day presents the Three Hills Challenge coin to Daniel Hicks. ECA Review/Submitted.
Written by ECA Review

Daniel Hicks phoned police when he observed a woman in distress. She was observed walking around the neighbourhood and not dressed appropriately for the weather. Mr. Hicks phoned police and jumped into action providing her with a warm coat while comforting her while she was in medial distress until police arrived. The woman was transported to Three Hills hospital with assistance from EMS for further evaluation and her family was notified.

“Detachment Commander Sgt. Jamie Day praises the possible life saving actions of Mr. Hicks for reporting a female in distress to police.”

Mr. Hicks was presented with a Three Hills Challenge coin for his actions.

The incident took place on Fri. Jan. 27.

RCMP encourage the public to report any criminal or suspicious activity. Reports notify the RCMP of where to look, who to look for, and where to patrol in the future. Individuals seeing a crime in progress should dial 9-1-1. Three Hills RCMP remains fully committed in building safer communities by working in partnership with the communities served as well as through investigative and enforcement efforts to achieve its goal.

– Submitted

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ECA Review

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