Theresetta School Knights Boys Volleyball team become champions

The Theresetta Knights Boys Volleyball team finished their season in as dominating a fashion as they began it. From the left,  Roger Fetaz (coach), Rueben Fetaz, Owen Beaumont, Drew Bagshaw, Kolby Renschler, Damon Ries, Zach Bennett and Boston Slemp. ECA Review/Submitted
Written by ECA Review

The Theresetta Knights Boys Volleyball team finished their season in as dominating a fashion as they began it.  

Undefeated and strong through league play, the Forestburg, Camille J. LaRouge,  and CARA tournaments, the boys went to the season-ending CWAJHAA tournament in Eckville, Alta. on Nov. 20.  

They demonstrated their superior skills, team play, and strategy throughout the day, representing Theresetta marvellously in every way and came home with the 1J CWAJHAA championship banner and plaques.

 This was a perfect way to end a perfect season.

by Brenda Kneller

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