Charlee Mappin, holding her dog Franny, is ready to begin her new duties as Big Valley School Principal this 2016/17 school year. Two other teachers, Debby Hronek of Gus Wetter and Brittaney Code of W. E. Hay will each take on Vice Principal duties. Submitted Photo.
Clearview School Division
Two Clearview schools have new vice principals this year and one has a new principal Superintendent Peter Barron informed the Clearview School Board at their Aug. 25 meeting.
Charlee Mappin, begins her third year at Big Valley School as the new principle.
Mappin, who grew up in Erskine and attended school in Stettler, began teaching Grades 3 and 4 in her first year, then junior high language arts in her second. Along with principal duties, Mappin will continue in her junior high teaching role in science and social studies.
Gus Wetter teacher Debby Hronek will step into the role of vice principal this school year.
Hronek has taught mostly Grade 5 and 6 at Gus Wetter for nearly 21 years, which she will continue teaching along with her new duties.
There is lots to learn in her new role but according to Hronek it’s “So far so good.”
Brittaney Code, who has been with William E. Hay for about 5 years, takes on new duties as vice principal.
Little change for upcoming year
Clearview School Board trustees completed their organizational meeting for the 2016/17 year by acclaiming
Cheri Neitz as board chair and electing Dave Goodwin as vice chair.
The vote for vice chair was split evenly between John Schofer and Goodwin. A coin toss decided the final outcome.
With the departure of Staci Gerlitz from the board, the remaining trustees divided the extra workload.
With the exception of a $5 increase for a full day honorarium for trustees and $2.50 increase for a half day, other rates for things like meals were left unchanged.