The Grade 3/4 class has been talking about social justice issues in their class with Mrs. Ries over the past few weeks.
In response to all of the things they have been discussing, the class has run two fundraisers recently as a way to help out some social causes.
On the same topic, they had Lynn Cole from Brownfield come in to talk about a recent trip she took to Uganda.
She explained to the class what she encountered and how life is very different from what the students are used to in Canada.
She told the students about the extreme poverty people experience there, how many of them only have access to one meal of rice a day, and how they do not have easy access to water, like we do.
The students chose to take this cause on as their next social justice project and want to raise money to help the people of Uganda as much as they can.
After learning all about multiple social causes, the class held their first fundraiser event called, “Pet the Puppy” on Feb. 11.
The Grade 3/4s invited all Theresetta students to visit their classroom at lunch one day to visit seven friendly, cuddly puppies, loaned to the class by the Zimmermann family.
Students donated food bank items in order to get their turn with the soft, soothing pups.
Proceeds from that fundraiser, which included multiple backpacks full of food and $92.30 in donation, went directly to the Castor Food Bank.
The 3/4 class toted the donations down to the Food Bank on Feb. 27 and learned from Sue Goodkey all about the service it provides to the community.
The second fundraiser was held on Feb. 28, and it was called, “Pet the Kittens” who were loaned to the class by the Boxma family.
The class asked for monetary donations this time and were able to raise $85.05 for their chosen cause to help.
Some students and staff chose to participate in a Disconnect Challenge throughout the month of February.
Starting on Feb. 10, participants logged how much screen time they used for the whole week. On Feb. 17, they disconnected and found non-electronic focussed ways to occupy their time.
Fifty people took on the challenge, including student’s family members, and they recorded their experiences during the “technology fast”.
It was interesting to hear how everyone felt throughout the challenge, how they chose to spend their extra time, and what their personal thoughts were on the experience.
The goal of the challenge was to help find a balance, and to better understand the use of technology, within their lives.
Students who participated enjoyed a hot dog roast on Feb. 21, to celebrate the end of their fasting.
Shrove Tuesday
The Grade 1/2 class presented to the whole school about Shrove Tuesday on Feb. 25, also fondly known as Pancake Day around the world.
Shrove Tuesday is an important day in the Christian calendar, as it marks the day before the beginning of Lent.
Pancakes are commonly eaten on this day to use up ingredients like eggs, milk, and butter before the season of Lent begins and people sometimes give up rich things like these while fasting.
Ash Wednesday
On the following day, the school participated in an Ash Wednesday liturgy, where they all received ashes on their foreheads to represent the beginning of Lent.
The beginning of Lent is also a very important time in the Church and the act of having ashes put on your forehead is a sign of repentance.
Students and staff are now observing Lent for the next 40 days, not counting Sundays, and some chose to give up something for this period in the same manner that Jesus fasted for 40 days before starting his ministry.
Different and unique
The Kindergarten class has been learning in religion class about how they are all made different and all have unique talents.
They spent many days talking about what those special talents are and practising their favourite one, before performing them for parents at a Talent Show on Feb. 27.
Dress-up theme days
There were three dress-up theme days during the month of February. First, 70’s Day was a fun Spirit Day organized by the Theresetta Student’s Union on Feb. 19.
The next dress-up day was Pink Shirt Day on Feb. 28 to stand up to the bullies by making the statement that they stood with their classmate, but also make sure everyone knew that bullying would not be accepted.
The third dress-up day was wearing stripes for Rare Disease Day on Feb. 28.
Theresetta participated in this day, along with many in Castor, to show awareness for the many people in our world, and those specifically in our community, who are living with rare diseases.
by K. Smawley