We like your letters. Keep writing to the Editor.
Our opinion isn’t the only one…
it is important that you express your opinion!
Keep it short…Ask yourself how long you would spend reading an individual letter.
Don’t rant… Nothing turns away a reader’s interest like a misguided, misdirected rant. Don’t put down or name call other writers. We all have a right to our opinions. Instead, aim for a persuasive, rational argument supported by facts and figures.
On being edited … Expect editing…and when it doesn’t happen, great. All newspapers reserve the right to edit. The primary purpose is to ensure a letter is readable While care is taken in the editing process not to impair (or destroy) a writer’s point of view, a well-formulated letter requires less editing.
While we require your name, address, email and phone number, only your name and your community will appear in print.