Stimulus cheques turns people into domesticated pits?

Dear Editor,

The author of PrairieView with the reprint of ‘How to catch wild pigs’ Pg. 6, May 21, claims that government are pushing us towards communism/socialism. 

Remember that socialism in America has always been associated with communism and many Americans have forgotten that Canada, Australia, New Zealand and most western countries are both democratic and socialistic. 

To imply that we will become communist is total nonsense. That’s scare-mongering.

This anti-communist, anti-socialist mantra is floated by the GOP (the Republican Party; the conservatives) when a national health care system (single payer system) is introduced to replace the private health care system; or, when legislation is proposed that would ban military-style weapons (assault rifles, machine guns, bump stocks, 50 cal. sniper rifles, etc),; or, when legislation is introduced to expand voting rights; or, when legislation is introduced to give women equal rights with men; or, when legislation is proposed to give visible minorities equal status with the rest of society. 

If governments provide grants, loans, bail-outs to banks, to auto companies, to airline companies, to cruise ship lines, to political parties, and to big businesses (like IBM, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, etc,), that assistance is okay, but if governments provide financial assistance (stimulus payments) to ordinary citizens who have lost their jobs or their business, that situation is wrong because the people will turn into “domesticated pigs”.  

So—money given to businesses by our politicians (conservatives or liberals) is okay, and providing tax cuts to the top 10 per cent of society (along with their many tax loopholes) is okay (what I call “high-class welfare”), but handing out stimulus cheques to lesser souls will lead to communism or worse.

Yes, worse! We will become pigs. 

George Thatcher

Trochu, Alta

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