Stettler fly-in breakfast

Written by Cheryl Bowman

The Copa Flight 135 Stettler Flying Club’s annual fly-in breakfast was held on Sunday, Sept. 1 in Stettler, marking its 48th year.  Among the many planes on display were children’s activities, Stettler Aero Modelers and 15 minute scenic tours provided by General Lee Aviation. ECA Review/C.Bowman

Corporal Adalynn Wagner, 15 (right) of the 572 Coyote Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron and Leading Air Cadet (LAC) Hudson Hetchler, 13 help out at the Copa Flight 135 Stettler Flying Club’s annual fly-in breakfast held on Sunday, Sept. 1 in Stettler.  The event was well attended by families and aircraft enthusiasts. ECA Review/C. Bowman

About the author

Cheryl Bowman

Cheryl spent most of her childhood in Stettler, growing up on a quarter section north of town. After graduating from Stettler Composite High School she moved to Calgary where she worked in various industries, attended The University of Calgary and raised a family.

She enjoyed volunteering and contributed in a variety of ways, such as writing articles for the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre and covering charitable events as a photographer.

She moved back to Stettler in 2023 where she still has family.