Stettler County Fair and Rodeo

“Hold your horses!”  Draft horses Cap and Buddy whose total weight was 4,459 lbs were anxious to get started at the heavy horse pull in Stettler on Aug 2.  The Central Alberta Draft Horse Pulling Club competed over three days at the Stettler County Fair and Rodeo. ECA Review/C.Bowman

About the author

Cheryl Bowman

Cheryl spent most of her childhood in Stettler, growing up on a quarter section north of town. After graduating from Stettler Composite High School she moved to Calgary where she worked in various industries, attended The University of Calgary and raised a family.

She enjoyed volunteering and contributed in a variety of ways, such as writing articles for the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre and covering charitable events as a photographer.

She moved back to Stettler in 2023 where she still has family.