Matt Mailer takes down his steer in 5.2 seconds at the Butterwick jackpot. Brock Butterfield of Ponoka, Alta. was the jackpot champ with a 4.4 time in the second go-round. Ty Livingston won the first go-round with a time of 5.7 and David Butterwick won the third go with a 4.8 time. J.Webster/ECA Review
Ty Livingstone, who qualified for his first CFR last year, was one of many seasoned an amateur steer wrestlers who took in the jackpot at Jorge Butterwick’s barn near Botha, Alta. on Sat. March 18. He downed this bounty steer in 10.4 seconds but David Butterwick won the $100 bucks with a 4.8 round in the third go-round. ECA Review/J.Webster
Matt Mailer takes down his steer in 5.2 seconds at the Butterwick jackpot. Brock Butterfield of Ponoka, Alta. was the jackpot champ with a 4.4 time in the second go-round. Ty Livingston won the first go-round with a time of 5.7 and David Butterwick won the third go with a 4.8 time. J.Webster/ECA Review
Quinton Brandon, who also qualified for the CFR last year, got this steer down in 7.4 seconds at the jackpot. Ty Livingston is doing the hazing to keep the steer running straight. ECA Review/J.Webster
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