A map of all the suggested, optional and mandatory sidewalks up for replacement were presented at council’s regular meeting on Thurs. Nov. 5.
Council accepted the suggested policy recommendation made by administration.
Of note, the downtown commercial core and route to the local school (4600 through to the 4900 blocks of 50th Street) are on the priority list to be replaced.
The same with the Professional Building and Civic Office block on 49th Avenue; the blocks adjacent to the school and pool; and 4800 and 4900 blocks of 49th Avenue (direct route to Big Knife Villa).
This project is expected to begin next year in the spring.
Tourism advertising
The village received a request from Go East of Edmonton for their 2021 Go East of Edmonton advertising and membership renewal.
Forestburg has been a member of this publication since 2013.
The amount for a half page advertisement is $1,200 and the membership amount is $400 based on 2020 rates as it is stated in the request that “the rates are the same as last year”.
Council approved the request accepting both the half page advertisement to showcase the village and continue their membership for a combined $1,600.
FFCS budget
Flagstaff Family & Community Services (FFCS) presented their 2021 budget for approval from municipalities that they focus on, including Forestburg.
The total budget is $399,316 which is a reduction of $16,602 from this year’s budget.
There is no change to the per capita requisition request of $8.70 per person.
Council approved their budget as presented.
Library board change
The Forestburg Library Board informed council that a change has been made to the board.
Council accepted the recommendation that Edith Jesswein be appointed to the board for a three-year term expiring in October 2023.
Terri Huxley
ECA Review