Halkirk 2 Wind Project – Setting the record straight

Dear Editor,

Capital Power would like to set the record straight to ensure residents have accurate information and are not subjected to undue fear from the misinformation in Dwayne Felzien’s letter last week titled ‘Pitch forks, clubs and broom sticks, pg. 6 March 28 ECA Review, about our Water Act Approval (DAUT0012446) for the Halkirk 2 Wind Project that’s under construction in Paintearth County.

Our Water Act approval is strictly for minor permanent impacts to wetlands due to construction of permanent project infrastructure, i.e., roads, wind turbine pads.

The entire area of impact is ~0.28 ha as per our application submitted to Alberta Environmental Parks & Protected Areas in March 2023.

To be clear, the Water Act approval does not provide permission for Capital Power or its contractors to withdraw water from rivers, creeks, dugouts, streams, etc.

As we’ve stated since we introduced the revised project in the fall of 2021, all potable and non-potable water required to produce cement and otherwise will be acquired and transported to the project area from a nearby source such as Castor or Stettler.

We understand the community’s need for water, that it is a precious resource, and that supply is limited in the community, especially under the current drought conditions this spring.

James Osness Senior Project Manager,  Halkirk 2 Wind Project

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