Science class had enjoyable day building boats

Grade 1 - 2 student, Caydence Schulmeister testing her boat in science class at Theresetta school before the Christmas holidays where students learned about four types of self-powered boats. ECA Review/Submitted
Written by ECA Review

Grade 1 – 2 student, Caydence Schulmeister testing her boat in science class at Theresetta school before the Christmas holidays where students learned about four types of self-powered boats. ECA Review/Submitted

The month of December saw plenty of Christmas-themed activities at Theresetta School in Castor, Alta. such as door decorating, special dress-up days, a hay ride and Christmas concert rehearsals. 

The annual Season of Advent service project included collecting donations of winter jackets, ski pants, gloves, hats, scarfs and snack items for Ben Calf Robe (BCR)-St. Clare School in Edmonton. 

This school serves First Nations, Metis and Inuit (FNMI) students in Grades K – 9 from all areas of Edmonton.

Miss Hepp was fortunate to teach at BCR and saw the benefits the donations firsthand.

Basketball began in earnest with pre-Christmas exhibition games against Gus Wetter, Coronation and Stettler. 

Both our girls’ and boys’ teams will travel to Sedgewick on Jan. 18 for more exhibition games prior to the start of the C.A.R.A. League on Jan. 19. Mr. Ries and Mr. Finkbiner are coaching the boys and Miss Hepp coaches the girls.

The teams were off to their first tournament in Killam on the weekend of Jan. 15.

Our primary students have been very busy this first week back to school after the Christmas break. 

The kindergarten class is learning all about winter and how animals (including us) spend the winter. They are planning to go bird watching soon to see what birds are up to at this time of year and to enjoy the beautiful weather!

The Grade 1 – 2 science class had a very enjoyable “boat day” which originated prior to the holidays, when the students learned about four types of self-powered boats.

These included an elastic band-powered boat, a water-powered boat, a balloon-powered boat and a sailboat. 

First they had to finish making their plans and supply lists. Then they had time to build and test their boat until it worked. 

During the first round of testing, they had a few boats capsize, sink or not move properly. It was a great learning opportunity and students went back to their building stations to make any needed adjustments. 

After a few more adjustments and a few more failed tests, they all finished assembling their boats. 

They then gathered around a big sled that was turned into the testing station and everyone took a turn showing their classmates how their boats worked. 

The boat engineers did a great job problem solving, staying calm when things didn’t go as planned, and adapting when needed.

In the fine arts area, Grade 5-6 students are learning to weave in art class, as well as honing their skills on the ukelele during music.

It’s also that time of year when Theresetta students host their favourite fundraiser, which is the sale of flower pots and hanging baskets from Howe’s Greenhouse.

Students will be making sales until Feb. 4 with proceeds going towards their future field trips. These beautiful flowers will be available for pick up on May 5.


by Brenda Kneller

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