School principals named

Written by ECA Review

Stettler Elementary School


Kate Syson has been selected as principal for Stettler Elementary School (SES).

Ms. Syson will take the role when Principal Sharon Fischer retires at the end of this year.

Syson has been serving as vice-principal.

“My vision for the school is one that includes students first in all ways, care and compassion for families, rigour and high expectations set for our children,” said Kate Syson.

Syson has been teaching for 16 years, of which 10 have been in Clearview and eight years at SES.


Tri-Campus Schools (Acme, Carbon and Dr. Elliott) 


Joan Boles to the position of Principal of our Tri-Campus Schools (Acme, Carbon and Dr. Elliott) in the Golden Hills School Division effective the start of the 2022/2023 school year.

Boles holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta and is currently working towards completing her Master’s in Education, Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Calgary.

Boles has served as an Acting Principal for Carseland School and Acting Associate Principal for Drumheller Valley Secondary School.

She is also a highly skilled instructional coach and classroom teacher with over 20 years of experience.



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