The County has received numerous concerns in recent years over the condition of the cold mix placed on the roads in the Rochon Sands Estates subdivision in 2012.
After discussion at the regular council meeting on Wed. July 10, the county authorized public works to lift, apply a light oil, re-spread and compact the existing material throughout the subdivision to help alleviate issues.
The recommended plan consists of lifting the existing surface course, drying and stabilizing the subgrade as required, richen the existing mix with DL-10 Special light oil, then place and compact the material.
The County provided the cold mix application under a 50 per cent costshare agreement with landowners in the subdivision.
The application consisted of the county supplying and placing the required surface gravel, and the contractor mixing in place oil with the gravel, then placing and compacting it.
Pre-mixed cold mix was imported for radiuses and cul-de-sacs and grader lay hot mix and compact at the intersection of Highway 835.
This type of treatment had a three to five year lifespan depending on traffic and loadings.
County maintenance has been patching areas annually for a few years now with asphalt, and they felt that a broader approach was required to effectively maintain the subdivision roads safely.
“The slopes are too steep to hold the way they have been doing it,” said Rick Green, director of engineering and public works.
“It’s much more cost effective than pothole patching which is onerous on staff and time and money.”
Byemoor pipe replacement
A leaky 80-year-old pipe in Byemoor will soon be replaced after County of Stettler council awarded the contract to Action Plumbing.
The replacement is expected to cost $44,000 with funding coming from reserves.
Three companies were contacted and instructed to provide a quote to replace the existing two inch line and upgrade it to a three inch line, including approximately 930 feet of line, open cut, “2 – 3” valves, one flush hydrant, and a tie on to four existing services.
The pipe has been patched several times in the past.
County Shop solar proposals
Council made a motion to look at options to outfit the county shop with grid connected solar.
At the time of the motion last year, market conditions were not favourable and the technology was still in its infancy.
Money has been added to a newgrant program by 25 per cent.
The county put out a request for prices. Five companies came forward.
Administration was solely seeking permission to bring the proposals forward at this time.
Broadcasting public meetings
The votes are in and the people have spoken.
Recent survey results collected by the county early last month showed the purpose of broadcasting meetings to be a valuable resource when staying informed on local politics.
Over 200 responses from a cross section of citizens were taken into account.
The policy committee reviewed the current policy on June 25.
At the table, there was discussion around whether or not there was a possibility to record the meetings and publish them afterwards by not having a live broadcast.
Concerns were raised about the perceptions around editing, and whose responsibility it would be to both edit and use discretion as to what would be edited out.
There would have to be a significant investment of staff time to go with this option.
A discussion was also held around expanding the scope of the live meetings to automatically include committee meetings and public hearings – like the Municipal Planning Commission, Agricultural Service Board and other public hearings.
Council chose to make no changes after finding the answer to be “loud and clear that people enjoy watching us discuss points of government in the County of Stettler.”
Terri Huxley
ECA Review