Road repairs completed for 2017

Coronation town councillors were pleased with the work accomplished by Border Paving to fix many of the deteriorating streets throughout the town.
“They got a lot done,,” said Mayor Mark Standard at the regular town council meeting on July 17. “They stretched it pretty good, I think.”
“When they don’t have to do a whole road, it [the money]goes a lot farther,” said Coun. Shelley Cook.
“We have some bad ones [road repairs] for next year we still have to do,” said Public Works Foreman Allan Smith.
Cost of the road repairs 2017 was $105,306.60.
Smith also noted that most of the alleys in the worst condition were gravelled.
“The town looked fantastic for our centennial,” commented Coun. Cook.
“I know there was a lot of people who pitched in and helped, but it was very good.”
Cook asked Smith to move the picnic table in back of Tower Park, to the front again, as damage is occurring with broken boards on the table.
The picnic table at the back of the park “is perfect when it’s plus 35 but you can’t see it”, said Cook.
Kids had jumped off the top and broke a couple boards on the bench.
“You hate to kick them [kids] out because it’s alright if they’re using it, and when they were jumping through, that’s alright, but once they start wrecking it, it’s not alright,” said Coun. Cook.
“Kids are kids, but don’t start wrecking because then you’re not going to be allowed in,” concluded Cook.
Two benches in gazebo, one last fall and one this spring were also broken, said Cook, so she informed council that she had asked the police to patrol around the park more often.

Unslightly properties
“Honestly, I was pretty disappointed on all the unsightly properties during Homecoming,” Coun. Jackie Brigley expressed, when addressing the 23 properties that Sherry Wuzinski, bylaw officer, dealt with in her written June report to council, questioning what 23 meant, as far as action was concerned.
Bylaw enforcement officer coordinated the removal of four vehicles on a half a days’ notice when we found out the metal recyclers were here, said CAO Kulyk.
We’ve been dealing with this for months so that shouldn’t have happened at the last minute,” said Brigley.
Keith Rindal, fire chief has made a site available if people want to get rid of a derelict vehicle so the next time the metal recycler comes, they will go straight to that site.
Councillors questioned whether a lot of these vehicle owners would agree to having their vehicle go to the metal guy.
Coun. Cook asked, “Are we willing to spend the money to have all this done, and have it go onto taxes.”
“Then why have the bylaw to do it?” questioned Brigley.
“Ninety-nine per cent of people worked their butts off and there is a percentage that doesn’t. They are the same ones when I moved back home 10 years ago,” said Coun. Brigley.
CAO Kulyk noted that the bylaw allows for a certain number of vehicles to be legally parked on the property. Even if it looks derelict, they are still legally allowed to have a number of registered and unregistered vehicles on their property, stated CAO Kulyk.
“I know there are a couple of fences too, that we talked about, that you would normally only see in the country,” said Brigley.
There are no guidelines or controls within our bylaws for what materials a fence can be made of,” stated Kulyk.
“It’s all personal preference,” said Coun. Cook. “You can’t dictate what somebody wants to use for material for their fence.
“You can,” said Brigley, “some places do. They don’t let them put chicken wire on a front yard.
“Honestly, people are bringing it up to me all the time,” concluded Brigley.

Portable Shade Structure
Road to Success Cancer Projects request for the town assuming the responsibility for housing a commercial grade portable shade structure and renting/lending it out for different functions, was denied by council.
“Liability is my concern. I love the idea but as soon as you put it up, you are liable,” said Coun. Cook.
What manpower issues would the town be incurring? asked Coun. Keith Griffiths.
Special riders on their insurance, repairing, cost of storage and staffing were all listed as concerns.
CAO Kulyk provided a recent example of a special rider on the town’s insurance for the Bouncey tents at Homecoming was approx. $200.


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ECA Review

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