Rezoning Kay Farms application denied

An application came in to rezone Kay Farms from an industrial to residential general site to accommodate the possible development of senior housing or small acreage housing.

Council at their meeting on Tues. Feb. 18, chose to turn down the request as the Town of Stettler Municipal Development Plan has the future land use for the land at 4408-47 Avenue as industrial.

“This is to accommodate a broad range of industrial development and minimize potential conflicts between industrial and non-industrial land uses. Right now the rail that abuts this property is a natural barrier between residential and industrial districts,” said Leann Graham, director of planning and development.

Practically all of the areas around the proposed rezoning were industrial which council did not want to break up and interfere with.

On Oct. 4, 2005, the same request was seen by the council of the day which was also denied due to the long term planning of the area which was to be kept as industrial use.

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Greg Switenky agreed with Graham.

“I think we’ve seen enough conflict in hybrid zones and obviously I think the purple [industrial area on map] speaks for itself in the entirety. We already do have some existing residential to the south of that piece of property that every now and then poses some unique circumstances,” said CAO Switenky.

Arena contest entered

Members of the Stettler community nominated the Stettler Recreation Centre (SRC) for the Kraft Hockeyville contest.

Many communities including Sedgewick and Delia have also put their hats in the ring to see about winning a grand prize of $250,000 as well as an NHL game.

The second round of judging is happening now until March 13 where the final four contestants will be selected.

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