Resident offers up to $6,000 to purchase electronic speed reader.
“I just want some peace, quiet and harmony,” said Dorothe Cazabon, village resident, at the regular Delburne village council meeting on Jan. 11, 2022.
Cazabon had come before council to see if there was anything that the village could do to help mitigate speeding and noise. Her approaches to both Red Deer County and the RCMP had been unsuccessful as both are too short-staffed to stand by waiting to catch speeders.
Instead, Cazabon is asking the village to look at other calming measures such as speed bumps and an electronic speed reader on main thoroughfares.
“More and more people are complaining about noise violations, especially from trucks who seem to have their mufflers modified, even though prohibited under the Alberta Traffic Safety Act”, said Cazabon.
“I’m just tired”, said Cazabon, who then offered to donate up to $6,000 to purchase an electronic speed radar.
Councillor Bourne said that he had been in conversation with the Village of Elnora about the electronic speed reader they had purchased and will follow up again.
Cazabon’s mitigation suggestions will be discussed at council’s upcoming workshop.
Mayor Chandler thanked Cazabon for coming forward and said, “It is wonderful of you to suggest this solution”.
A promise was made to keep Cazabon informed.
Movie shoot coming
James Reckseidler and Marc Vandergraaf of Roadwest Pictures of Calgary met with council to update them on their upcoming plans to film portions of their feature film project, ‘Ties that Bind’, in the village Feb. 14 – 19.
Other filming locations include Edmonton and Big Valley.
It is a film set in the depression years 1936-1937 during the election of the Aberhart’s Social Credit government who proposed that each citizen be given $25 per month by the provincial government to ‘buy their way out of debt’.
Locations and facilities being used include the United Church, the Anthony Henday Museum and water tour, Centennial Park, 18 Street outside the main village along the golf hole number 3, Barking Fox campground, the outdoor skating rink and the community hall for staging.
For the hockey game, an old-fashioned score board will be built and donated to the community.
Together with the excitement of filming, there will be disruptions. Council stressed to the film producers the importance of keeping the community informed and asked that all communication be handled through Chief Administrative Officer (CA0) Karen Fegan who will keep all village communication mediums up to date.
“We’re behind you 100 per cent”, said Mayor Chandler. “The village would help in anyway they could.”
Mayor steps down
“After much consideration and what has happened in my private life, I would like to step down as mayor”, said Bill Chandler. “I don’t feel I can do the job justice anymore. It is with a heavy heart that I do it.”
As Chandler will stay on as a councillor, no by-election was required.
Nominations for the position of mayor were Tim Wilson and Jeff Bourne. Since Bourne declined the nomination, Wilson was named the new mayor.
Administrative report
The partially finished house in Fawn Meadows has been sold and the new owners have already started work on the siding.
CAO Fegan is writing a short description on Delburne’s fibre journey for Gord McIntosh (a former CAO and now consultant to local governments) as he has asked to use our fibre construction story in his teaching.
Environmental testing on the Bistro site continues to be a headache.
“Every time we get close to meeting the bar and get approval”, said Coun. Bourne, “the Environment Department moves the bar”.
Local MLA Devin Dreeshen has been approached to see whether he can help resolve this on-going frustration.
A motion was unanimously approved for the village to purchase the lights for the main street pavilion.
Buying directly would save 50 per cent versus if they were purchased through the contractor.
The staff are working on getting their Basic Emergency Management course and Incidenet Command System (ICS) 100 courses done by the end of January and the ICS200 courses in February.
Brenda Schimke
ECA Review