Dear Editor
Today, May 22, 2023, just after 7 a.m., sewer backed into our basement again.
Although the Village council and administration have been aware of the problem with the Village sewer lateral from our property since September 2020, our requests for repairs have been ignored in spite of all the blockages, backups and, not to mention our having to rent a portable toilet for about eight months.
We sent a letter to council May 4, 2023 asking if the repairs would be included in the 2023 budget but have had no response.
Mayor Hall has let it be known publicly, that in his opinion, we are just complainers and there is nothing wrong with our sewer.
The last back up of sewer into our basement was Feb. 22, 2023 and we waited about 30 hours before the blockage was removed and we could resume using our sewer.
However, today, when we contacted CAO Plachner, she notified the Public Works foreman who came and cleared the blockage. We certainly appreciated that.
Howard Helton
Morrin, Alta.