Reactive rather than proactive

Written by ECA Review

Dear Editor,

I received a registered letter from the Village of Morrin dated August 17, 2023 regarding trespassing on village property at 111 – 1st St. North (Plan 4110AJ / Block 1 / Lot 18).

And I quote: “Please be advised that it has been brought to council’s attention that you were mowing grass on 111-1st Ave. North without permission.
“This property is owned by the village. Entering properties without permission is classed as trespassing. Please refrain from maintaining this property in the future.
“Thank you.
“Yours truly,
“Annette Plachner, CAO. Per: Village of Morrin Council.”

This is a property I have mowed for the absentee owners, Saad Shemdin and Benita Soni, for a number of years, with the knowledge and approval of Ian Patterson, their ‘go-between’.

However, with my research (which can be found on a website with public access), I find that this property has been entered in the Tax Arrears List.

The Village cannot state it is “VILLAGE PROPERTY” as it has not acted, to my knowledge, as per the TAX RECOVERY ACT (ie: post the list in Village office as well as offer this, and the other properties in the Tax Arrears List, for public auction).

CAO Plachner, Mayor Hall, Deputy Mayor MacArthur and Coun. Edwards have lied by stating this is VILLAGE PROPERTY.

Set aside trespassing, this is either HARASSMENT or MISCHIEF!

This has opened up a whole CAN OF WORMS people! Does anyone else know, or care, that the Village does not seem to be following the TAX RECOVERY ACT?

The Village should focus on their mandate of bylaw enforcement as well as repairing aging sewer infrastructure and leave the trespassing of unoccupied properties, for purposes of mowing, to the owners of these properties. It is within the purview of the individual property owners to take it up with the trespassers, not the Village!

Take note that it took a letter to council from former resident Vella McGechie to have any action taken to notify property owners to attend to their properties. Typical of this Village Administration and council – REACTIVE rather than PROACTIVE!

The Village should have saved the $9.75 cost of the registered letter and applied it to the repair of our sewer!

Respectfully, Howard Helton

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ECA Review

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