Pumped about new arrival

submitted by Castor Community Health Centre
New moms in the Castor area will now have increased access to breast pump rentals, following a donation from the lODE (Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire) Duke of Cornwall Chapter.  lODE Canada is a national women’s charitable organization.

Earlier this year, the chapter stepped forward to fund the purchase of a new breast pump that will be available for short-term loan through Public Health to support breastfeeding mothers.

Previously, only a single pump was available for rent in the area, making accessing it a challenge for mothers in need.

“A lot of times the pump would be booked or unavailable so with this donation we’ll be able to have one here in the community,” explains Public Health nurse Paula Doolaege.

“A mother might need a pump the first week or two after delivery, or because of medical reasons or due to travel. Without access to a pump, this can lead new moms to feel defeated or discouraged and stop breastfeeding.

“Breastfeeding within the first three weeks is critical, so being able to support mothers by having a pump available is very important.”

After hearing about the need for a breast pump lODE Duke of Cornwall Chapter was quick to respond and donated $2,500 to purchase a breast pump.

“The chapter supports children and families in the community, which is very important to us,” says chapter member Sandi Jackson.

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