Morrin village council
“We are not going to allow no recording of our council meetings,” said Mayor Suzanne Lacher at the Wed. Aug. 17 regular council meeting. No discussion took place amongst councillors prior to Lacher’s statement and no reason was given.
Councillors had each silently read a letter from the ECA Review publisher, Joyce Webster, requesting permission to record the meetings for the purpose of accuracy in reporting.
A second request for the reporter to receive the council packages was also denied in a further statement from Mayor Lacher with no discussion amongst the councillors.
The reporter will only be able to purchase photocopies of the minutes and the agenda as per the photocopy Bylaw #351 passed on April 20, 2016 which outlines a cost of 50¢ per page.
When questioned about the error in last meetings report, Webster noted it was corrected in the newspaper as soon as she was made aware of it.
“Much cheaper than going to the lawyer for you guys,” noted Webster referring to a letter received from the Morrin village council’s lawyer, to the ECA Review regarding alleged errors in previous reports.
Public works update
CAO Annette Plachner noted that Grayson Excavating tender was accepted for $741,601.31 for replacement of the water and sewer on 1st Ave. North.
When asked by community member in attendance, Darcy Graham, she was told that the project would be starting at the end of August sometime.
This project was tendered by way of an invitational bid process for contractors who were prequalified for this type of utility work. The bids are therefore considered confidential, stated Theo Owel, an engineer from MPE Engineering, Calgary.
Public Works supervisor, David Benci reported good news involving the garbage truck transmission. When checked out, it was found to not require a transmission flush.
“Used to three inches [rain] not 30 inches,” stated Benci when discussing water flow in the southeast corner ditch, cutting grass, the 20 bags of grass clippings from sweeping lawns to prevent yellowing of the lawn. He noted the work on the troughing on a residential street seemed to be working well in draining, they had repaired the leaks in the shop roof, and the use of the old asphalt spread on town property was working well as he was no longer standing in mud. He noted that old asphalt will lose its value and asked if he could sell at at $10/cu. metre?
Council did not provide the go ahead to sell the old asphalt.
Public Works
Benci reported that he had completed a Backhoe Course but missed the Ground Disturbance Course which he hopes to pick up later. He also informed council he wanted to get his Pesticide Applicator License.
“I’m familiar with it [license] because I’ve had it before,” said Benci but the cost is about double from when he took it. Recertification is required every five years.
“It is a good thing to have. If you’re spraying, you should have it.” He noted that without the license, there would be some Group 4 pesticides that he would not be able to purchase. He also noted he was using up old chemicals even though he was unsure of the effectiveness.
“It is cheaper to spray it out than to pay for disposal,” said Benci.
No approval was given by council with regards to the Pesticide Applicator License.
Council adjourned the meeting having made no motions following a 40-minute in-camera session listed as a legal item on the agenda.
Next meeting is Wed. Sept. 21, 2016.