Public hearing scheduled for Fawn Meadows Land Use Amendment

At their regular meeting on Feb. 22, Delburne Village council gave first reading to amend the Land Use Bylaw to include the Fawn Meadow Architectural Development Guidelines. 

Two years ago, there was a development permit application from a homeowner, who backed onto the golf course, asking to build a detached garage in the rear yard.

Initially the Municipal Planning Commission denied the permit application because of the architectural development guidelines and community input.

In preparation for the homeowner’s intention to appeal, legal advice from Red Deer County advised that the detached garage was a permitted use under the existing Land Use Bylaw as it supersedes any development guidelines. 

In February, the village issued a permit to allow the construction of the garage.

To facilitate community input, and prior to second reading of the Land Use Bylaw to include the Fawn Meadow architectural development guidelines, Council motioned to set a public hearing on April 12.

Bylaw approvals

Water, Sewer, Garbage Bylaw No. 1175/2022 received second, third and final reading and was unanimously carried. There were two changes. First, during cold weather, a water meter will only be installed in a building or new construction that is warm enough that the water meter will not freeze. 

This change addresses the many issues the village has experienced with frozen water meters.

Second, all property with water and/or sewer and/or garbage and/or recycling services shall be charged regardless of its occupancy or vacancy.

Traffic Control By-law No. 1176/2022 received first, second, third and final reading and was carried. The change now requires persons using a recreational vehicle for employment that is required to be plugged in for any length of time, ‘must’ obtain a permit to be parked on the boulevard, up to a maximum of 30 days. Previously the permit requirement stated ‘may’.

New business

A motion was unanimously passed to approve a Municipal Planning Commission Honorarium Policy for the recent addition of two members at large. All community members, who sit on provincially-mandated committees, must receive an honorarium. The policy provides $100 per full day meeting; $60 for a half day meeting and travel expenses.

Administrator’s report

Two new development permits were received; one for a detached garage in Fawn Meadows and one for a cannabis retail store on main street.

CAO Fegan working with Brenda Smith will apply for the Alberta Community Champions grant for the purchase of new waste/recycling bins. The grant can be up to $20,000.

It was agreed that when COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, council meetings will again be convened at the village office.


Brenda Schimke

ECA Review

About the author

Brenda Schimke

Schimke is a Graduate with Distinction from the University of Alberta with a BCom degree. She has lived and worked in Alberta, BC and Ontario.