Stettler town council gave initial approval to a property owner seeking to build a residential subdivision on what is now called Rotary Campground.
First reading of the rezoning application was passed at the March 16 regular meeting of council.
Councillors read a memo presented by Leann Graham, director of planning and development, noting that applicant Tracey Peters wished to rezone Lot 2, Block 1, Plan 1923086 from Public Use to R2 Residential General, located at 4501 – 57 Street.
“The applicant is proposing to rezone the above-mentioned parcel from P: Public Use to R2: Residential General,” stated Graham in her report to council.
“The applicant has requested the rezoning to accommodate the development of a 17 plus or minus lot residential subdivision that will include multi-family housing (duplex) as well as single family housing.
“The property in question is currently a P: Public Use parcel that operates as the Rotary Campground.
The change in use to R2: Residential General is a natural fit in the area as there is both R1 and R2 districts adjacent to the proposed rezoning.
“The rezoning and subdivision applications have been accepted by the town and are being processed concurrently.
The rezoning application is before council today for first reading while the subdivision is in circulation with a request for decision set to be presented to Council for consideration on April 6, 2021.
“Following first reading a public hearing will be set for the rezoning on April 6, by second reading.
Administration respectfully recommends that council not proceed to third and final reading of the rezoning bylaw 2139-21 until such time that the applicant has entered into a development agreement with Town of Stettler as a condition of the subdivision approval.”
Mayor Sean Nolls stated he was happy to see such a big subdivision application come along.
“That’s exciting, very exciting,” said Nolls.
Coun. Wayne Smith stated he was also happy to see new development proposed, but was sad to see the possibility of the large trees in the area being removed.
Town Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Greg Switenky pointed out that the property in question is privately owned, and this proposal shouldn’t be viewed as the town cutting down parkland.
Coun. Malcolm Fischer noted the flood plain in the area and asked if it would be a problem.
Graham answered it should pose no problem as an engineering study was conducted there and improvements made, including culverts.
Coun. Cheryl Barros noted she was also happy to see this as it fits the housing study that was completed.
Graham added that it appears the project should take 24 months to completion once the development agreement is signed.
Councillors unanimously approved first reading. The application will come back to council at a future date.
Stu Salkeld, Local Journalism Initiative reporter
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