Clearview Board continues working on projected Spring Budget at their May 10 regular board meeting.
It is projected in-year deficit for all budgets for the 2018-19 school year is $1,014,510 . The 2017-18 final budget was $1,792,122.
Clearview School Division Sept. 30, 2018 enrollments are projected to be consistent at 2,360 students. The 2017-18 enrollment was 2,341.
For First Nation, Metis and Inuit students, there are now 162.0 full time equivalent (FTE) while in 2016-17 it was 150.0 FTE students self-identified that represent 6.9 per cent of total enrollment.
With reductions in overall funding, the school division is committed to doing our very best to continue our work.
Students to All Staff ratios are expected to be maintained at 11.6 students for each school-based staff.
Students to Teacher ratio are expected to be maintained, representing a school-based ratio of 16.0 students for each teacher. In 2017-18 it was 15.9.
Overall, these ratios help to show that, in general, teaching staff and support staff are being maintained relative to student projections.
It was important to continue our strong consultations with key stakeholders. During the process, numerous consultation and information sessions were held with trustees, school councils, school principals, and senior leaders.
All decisions that needed to be made were done with input from our leaders and communities.
Now that departments and schools know the resources available for next year, school principals have prepared their staffing and expenditure plans for 2018-19.
Based on the Alberta Government guidelines, in 2016-17 Clearview Public Schools would have been able to spend up to $1,812,090 on Administration Services and Governance.
For the 2016-17 year end, the amount spent was $1,447,533 or $364,557 below the guidelines.
The Board of Trustees is expected to formally approve the budget on May 24, 2018.
Press release