Progressive Waste Solutions seeking letter of support

Coronation town council

Council members agreed to provide a letter of support from the Town of Coronation to Progressive Waste Solutions (PWS) for the renewal of their environmental waste license for 2016 during their regular meeting on Mon., Jan. 11.

Dan Rochette, Manager of Business Development for Progressive Waste Solutions informed council that construction on cell 10 at the local landfill was completed in 2015 and cell 11 is scheduled to be completed in 2016.

Rochette also stated that PWS has plans to change the flow of trucks in and out of the site on the east side this year.  A new road off of Twp. Rd. 370 will further improve the traffic situation, however during peak times there still may be a line up of trucks.

Various tactics have been implemented to address the seagull problem at the landfill.  These include introducing hawks as well as alternating between “bangers” and pyrotechnics to keep the birds from growing accustomed to any one scare tactic.

Progressive Waste Solutions has also made “a financial commitment” to consult with the company Predator, who specialize in these kinds of bird issues, says Rochette.

There are currently a couple of different odour suppressing systems in place however during the cooler months odour is less of an issue.

One of the largest issues facing the landfill is high winds.

Although high fencing, including portable fences which are used for catching flying litter when trucks are unloading, manage to catch the majority of debris, when the winds are unusually high the landfill will shut down despite the pinch it causes at their other facilities.

Rochette also pointed out that in addition to the $50,000 per month that is spent locally in oil, fuel, lodging, equipment, vehicle parts, tires and restaurants, approximately $100,000 is contributed annually to the local communities through the community host agreement with Paintearth Regional Waste Management.

A royalty fee based upon the volume of material that comes into the facility each year amounts to around $500,000.

The landfill accepts county refuse at no charge which is approximately 3,000 tonnes per year.

The landfill employs 19 full time staff during the winter months and 23 during the summer months.

$30,000 savings
Council was presented with project details and cost estimates for the extension of the town’s water service south on Coronation St. to William Street. Some alterations to the project were recommended by Council and a revised cost estimate was provided by BSEI Engineering.

It was determined that there will be no cost to the Town for ATCO Gas to relocate the gas main. Therefore the estimated cost of $30,000 was removed from the total project costing.

The revised estimated project cost is $464,235, which includes a 10 per cent contingency allowance of $37,385.

Golf Club
At the Dec. 14, 2015 regular meeting, Council received a funding request from the Coronation Elks Community Golf Club however their application included financial statements for 2013.

Council requested a copy of the most current financial statements. The Golf Club later provided a copy of their 2014 unaudited financial statements.

Council also requested that a review and summary of capital assets be provided to determine if certain facility improvements should be reported as capital assets of the Town.
The Golf Club is arranging for their treasurer to prepare a detailed statement of the capital assets.

New town flag
Coronation’s new town flags have arrived and there was discussion on when the new flag would officially be unveiled.  No date has yet been set.

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ECA Review

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