At the regular meeting of November 12, 2019, council gave third and final reading to the Bylaw which amended the Delburne Municipal Development Plan (MDP) at the regular Delburne council meeting on Nov 12.
The amendment is to recognize a residential zone (R-1-A) to allow for development of housing of less than 1,000 square feet.
Council also gave three readings to its’ Emergency Management Plan Bylaw.
This bylaw establishes the authority, direction, responsibilities, communications and roles in matters relating to any emergency that might arise in the municipality.
The Red Deer Boys and Girls Club of which the village has a satellite organization in partnership with the Red Deer Club attended as a delegation.
Mr. Waite, program coordinator of the Red Deer district group provided an update to council on the programs and activities of the Delburne Chapter.
The highlight included weekly sessions, students attending, attendance at Camp Alexa and summer visits to Discovery Park in Innisfail, the Corn Maze in Lacombe and excursions for geo-caching, archery and Christmas carolling.
In addition, Mr. Waite informed council of a survey undertaken throughout Central Alberta that 26 per cent of the children involved in the Boys and Girls Club were from single parents, 16 per cent from blended families and 58 per cent were from two parent families.
Mr. Waite asked members of council if they wished to continue to have the program in Delburne.
“This program has been well received by the participating parents,” answered Carol Kihn, FCSS Director for Delburne.
Victor Duffin, a director of the Delburne Economic Expansion Program (DEEP) updated council on its involvement in the community.
He reported that DEEP is an economic incubator facility to provide accommodation for start-up businesses.
The facility contains eight bays with separate utilities.
Duffin explained that the impetus for this economic development project established in the mid ’80’s came from a federal government funding initiative through the Western Economic Diversification Program intended to encourage small business entrepreneurship in Western Canada.
In other business, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Karen brought to council’s attention an Alberta Government program called the Shallow Gas Tax Relief, a provincial government program that will pay 35 per cent of linear taxes owed to a municipality.
A municipality receives no revenue from this relief program. Instead, the municipality receives an education school tax deduction equal to the amount of the linear tax owed by companies which operate within the jurisdiction of that municipality.
CAO Fegan inquired if council wished to make application for one company operating within Delburne.
A motion was made by Councillor Warner to apply for linear tax relief of 35 per cent was defeated on a tie vote (2 – 2) with one councillor not in attendance.
R. Reckseidler
ECA Review