Pig roast, silent auction and Ben Crane entertaining for new church build fundraiser

To the residents of the County of Paintearth, the community of Coronation, and the communities serviced by the East Central Alberta (ECA) Review newspaper.

On behalf of the Coronation Evangelical Free Church, we would like to provide an update on how our church rebuild is going, and what our plans are to ensure we are in a good position to replace what we have lost.

As a church, we are truly humbled and thankful for all the care, prayers and support we have received over the last 10 months!  God has continued to provide for our every need and has been at work in very tangible ways to bless us.

Thank you everyone for your graciousness, kindness and generosity to us!

Church rebuild

We are currently in talks with our builder, and it looks like they will be ready to start construction on our building soon.  We have the lot surveyed and ready to go, and we are excited to see the next steps for the rebuild to fall into place! We are also learning that the cliché is true, “Patience is a Virtue.”

Financial plan

We are truly thankful for insurance, and they are covering the cost for most of the build, as well as a large percentage of our contents.

When all is said and done, we are in the process of raising approximately $250,000 to cover our outstanding costs.  To date, we have received approximately $145,000.

This leaves us with the need to raise approximately $105,000. For this, we are truly thankful!

A big thank you to all who have felt led to donate funds to our church rebuild so far!

Fundraiser information

Due to our outstanding costs, we are prayerfully planning a fundraiser to be held this Fall.

On Sat. Oct. 5, 2024, we will be hosting a Pig Roast supper and Silent Auction at the Coronation Community Centre.  Doors will open for the Silent Auction at 1 p.m. and our supper will start at 6 p.m.

We are also pleased to announce that Ben Crane has graciously agreed to join us and provide us with some good family-friendly entertainment.

Ticket costs for supper and entertainment will be $40 per person/$50 at the door.

Families (two adults, with children under 18) will cost $95 ($125 at the door).  Children five years and under eat for free.

We are limited to selling 250 tickets for this event, so please purchase tickets early, while they are available.

Tickets will go on sale on Tues. Sept. 3, 2024, and will be sold at the Coronation Value Drug Mart, Beans and Blooms and the ECA Review newspaper office.

Silent Auction

If you are interested in contributing an item to our Silent Auction, it can be dropped off at the ECA Review, starting on Sept. 9, 2024.

Donated items can also be dropped off at the Coronation Community Centre on the date of the auction. Any food items (especially those that need to be refrigerated or are frozen) can be dropped off at the Community Centre on the day of the Auction.

Extra funds received:

Should we raise funds over and above the $105,000 they will be used to:

• purchase a decent acoustic piano.

• purchase approximately 100 chairs for our sanctuary seating (we plan to use our contents money to buy 75 chairs).

We are truly excited to see where our fundraiser goes, and want to thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and support!

We are truly Blessed,

Clayton Grice, Pastor,
on behalf of the Coronation Evangelical Free Church

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ECA Review

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