Paintearth Economic Development Small Business Week Awards

Written by ECA Review


Small Business Week awards by Paintearth Economic Development Society (PEPS) and Battle River Innovation Centre (BRIC) were held in Coronation on Thurs. Oct. 20 at the Coronation Mall foyer. Receiving awards were, from the left, League Projects Construction Manager Kendall Kleiboer and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Blaine Brigley for Community Attraction award; Beans & Blooms, Robin Amber Cole for Business Resiliency; Nicole Lundy of Imagine Laserworks for New Entrepreneur; and Lyle Golby of Golby Hardware for Community Business of the Year. ECA Review/J. Webster


Castor awards were presented as well on Wed. Oct. 19, from the left, Salam El Jurdi of White Goose Family Restaurant for Business Resiliency; Rod Anderson of Food Town for Community Attraction award; The Stuffed Potato Co., Tammy Cooke for New Entrepreneur; and OK Tire, Patrick Kelly for Business of the Year award. ECA Review/Submitted


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