A public hearing regarding the Paintearth County’s land-use bylaw (LUB) rezoning amendment for the Canwest solar project was held during the regular council meeting April 16.
According to Canwest Solar, the project is to be located approximately two kilometres (km.) west of the Town of Castor and is to be situated on privately-owned land. This proposed solar energy facility will generate enough energy to power over 14,000 homes, using 93,000 solar panels to generate 47 MW of energy. The project developers are Sky Sustainable and Green Energy Co (Sky).
Public submissions were received prior to the hearing for the project.
General questions raised by the public focused on roads, fencing and setback requirements.
In response to a public submission inquiry regarding setbacks and roads, it was noted that “a perimeter road would not be needed but space for large trucks would be required.”
According to Schedule A, Emergency Response Planning & Access, setbacks and separation distances would have to meet minimum standards to aid the access of emergency vehicles and to keep hazards at a distance from residences.
Internal access roads would need to be spaced at intervals to allow for adequate firefighting apparatus.
Also mentioned as a concern were fencing and screening of the solar project.
According to Schedule A, Site Security, all lands hosting macro solar farm installations shall be perimeter fenced with a minimum of four foot high barbed wire fence and all equipment collection points and substation facilities are to be enclosed with a chain link security fence of at least six feet.
It was noted in a response to the concern that the “Clause gives discretion to [the] County on fencing and screening. [It would] be a rare case to ever screen [an] entire quarter, but we do want them fenced for security.”
Six members of the public were in attendance for the public hearing. General questions were raised which council noted for consideration. A second or possibly third reading will be scheduled after the amended bylaw is received.
Craig Lake wind project
The Craig Lake wind project, an ATCO EnPower and ATCO Renewables Ltd. wind project, will be located approximately 6.3 km. east of the Town of Castor.
The project will include up to 43 wind turbines that will generate more than 6 MW of electricity, with a total output of 246 MW. The project will consist of wind turbines, a collector system, a substation, access roads and a transmission line interconnection.
An informational slide show will be presented during an open house scheduled for April 25 at the Legion in Castor.
Public works solar installation
The PEG racking system for the Crowfoot site ground mount array has arrived at the Terralta yard, the CAO reported.
Further outlined in the report was that the first shipment of panels have arrived with the full shipment expected within two weeks. Once all panels are received the rooftop installation will begin at the Crowfoot site with an installation time expected of under two weeks.
Attention will then shift to the ground mount and panel work, which is expected to take three to four weeks, weather depending.
The report states that electricians will begin work once electrical components are received, and there will be some power shutdowns at the site while connection is done at various buildings.
“Terralta’s electrical foreman will coordinate with county personnel to minimize downtime and operational impacts” noted the CAO report as each building is expected to take approximately four hours to connect.
Shutdown of power for a full day at the PW site is anticipated and as noted “Terralta will coordinate with ATCO on this, with a two week notice to schedule the transformer swap and new service tie-in.”
Lastly, ATCO will coordinate the process for a four to six hour shutdown that will be required to tie in the electrical components to the solar system.
Sanitary force main project
Construction started on the Crowfoot directional bore sanitary force main project on April 15.
A force main is a pressurized sewer pipe that transports wastewater from a lower to a higher elevation.
In contrast to ‘gravity sewers’ force mains are used in areas where the pipes are too low to rely on gravity, requiring a pump to move the material.
The county has granted permission for work crews to reside on-site at Crowfoot industrial subdivision for the project which is expected to take six to eight weeks.
It was noted in the CAO report that “part of the benefit in allowing this presence onsite, where materials are being stored is to discourage theft, by way of having multiple workers present at all times.”
Cheryl Bowman
Multimedia reporter
ECA Review