At their Nov. 15 regular meeting County of Stettler council approved first reading of a bylaw that will re-zone a portion of the SW‐10‐39‐19‐W4M from agricultural (A) to industrial (I) district. ECA Review/Screenshot
The County of Stettler gave initial approval to a property owner’s wishes to expand an industrial lot. The decision to approve first reading of a re-zoning was passed at the Nov. 15 regular meeting of council.
Councillors heard a report from Director of Planning and Development Craig Teal regarding a request to re-zone a portion of the SW‐10‐39‐19‐W4M from agricultural (A) to industrial (I) district.
“Bylaw 1712‐23 proposes an amendment… to rezone a 2.07 acre portion of the SW‐10‐39‐19‐W4M from the agricultural district to the industrial district,” stated the staff memo.
“The proposed changes are in response to an application from the registered owner of the property.
“The purpose of the industrial district is to provide a range of industrial uses that may carry out a portion of their operation outdoors or require outdoor storage areas. Any nuisance associated with such uses should generally not extend beyond the boundaries of the site.
“An application for subdivision on the SW‐10‐39‐19‐W4M has been submitted and is in process. The applicant is proposing to add a 2.07acre portion of the quarter section to lot 4 block 1 plan 212 2301.
“The additional land is proposed to be added to an existing industrial operation to allow the owners more space for outside storage for their operation. The subdivision will not result in an additional privately titled parcel.
“The subject property is a portion of the remainder of the quarter section, and is surrounded by a mix of industrial and agricultural properties.
The adjacent property to the east is agricultural land, the properties to the west are industrial use, and to the south is also agricultural land,” stated the agenda memo.
Teal reiterated that this land-use bylaw (LUB) amendment was the result of a request from the property owner.
Teal summarized that the property owner wishes to re-zone a roughly triangular parcel of agricultural land to industrial use, with the intent to in the future subdivide it and then combine it with an existing industrial parcel that is adjacent to the west.
Teal further explained the LUB amendment was before council for first reading, and if it passes then it would be publicly advertised and a public hearing held on Dec. 13 during the regular County of Stettler council meeting.
Readers should note there was some discrepancy about the public hearing date between documents in the Nov. 15 agenda. The proper date is Dec. 13.
Teal noted County of Stettler planning staff had no concerns about the application, which appeared to be echoed by councillors as they made no comments and proceeded to unanimously pass first reading of the amendment to the LUB bylaw.
The application will now be publicly advertised and will return for a pubic hearing Dec. 13.
Stu Salkeld
Local Journalism Initiative reporter
ECA Review