The Big Valley Rodeo Association has changed direction on their plans for an outdoor rodeo arena Big Valley council heard at the May 25 regular meeting.
Previously the association had hoped to locate the facility near the indoor arena, close to the ballpark and playground. Instead, council has agreed to work out a lease with the association to use village property north of 1 Street North and west of Railway Avenue
The village has not developed the area due to the existence of old, underground mine shafts, which the association was made aware.
The land is currently zoned R2 with discretionary use for public spaces and uses.
Council approved administration to begin drafting a lease for the land.
Tax increase
A property tax rise for .2 mills was approved when council passed Bylaw 824 Taxation. That will see the average property tax bill go up by $25 to $30 per year.
The increase will leave Big Valley with a very tight but balance budget.
Big Valley pinkified
Big Valley is on board to compete for the “Pinkest Little Town in the West” designation on August 25 when trail riders from the Wild Pink Yonder Society ride into town.
The society organizes the yearly event to ride the ‘pink trail’ of 500 kms into 23 towns in 23 days. Each town the group visits is encouraged to turn pink to raise awareness and show support for breast cancer research.
Riders signing up to participate and raise money for the cause can complete the entire trek, or just one portion of it.
Alberta Prairie Steam Tours is scheduled to arrive in the village that day sporting a pink engine and council is encouraging businesses and residents to participate in going pink.
New look for village
Tourism themed street signs will replace existing signage now that council has given village foreman Mel Dods the okay to start putting in sign posts. Former Mayor Gail Knudson spearheaded the effort to change signage to a more western theme to reflect the village’s history. Council budgeted for the signs as part of a tourism marketing strategy.
Grant approved
Council approved the Hivernant Metis Cultural Society’s application for a $500 grant towards the annual Rendezvous.