Dear Editor,
The pretence or the intention of destroying Canadian history is outrageous.
There’s not a country in the world. if you are aware of their beginnings, that have not been involved in conflict, persecutions of their people and many other factions in order to form a country or territory. However, not all with nefarious intention.
In saying that however, Canada being no exception is once again facing a horrendous situation in regards to Residential Schools and the deaths of children, yet unfounded for the reason of death.
Of course, blame is constant and hopefully, we’ll see an end to this all.
I’m an elderly lady with a formal education as are my daughters.
The amount of Canadian history taught in my school days was minimal at best, other than we had 10 provinces,10 premiers and a prime minister.
Confederation date was 1867 and John A. McDonald was the first prime minister along with the founding fathers.
I was aware that there were “Indians and families” and their dress code was different than mine and that they lived on reserves. This type of education didn’t improve much in the next generation.
Here we are 150 years later and still with little or no progress in assimilation.
Where were our political leaders through all these years and our Education System?
I realize now that empty charters, reconciliation papers and acts have been apparently instituted but to little avail.
Our country at present thrives on blame and the Government continues to dole out billions of dollars thinking that’s a panacea.
Like all controversial issues, there are conflicting opinions but surely there is a middle ground as Canada brags of our open and sacred democracy.
Please let Government leaders and First Nations leaders have the courage to step up and correct this issue.
This controversy does absolutely nothing for Canadian unity and as a result, we are left with the hypocrisy and anger on both sides.
Defacing and tearing down statues, renaming schools, streets and sports teams is wrong and proves nothing positive but only enrages the masses of what we thought was our Canadian heritage.
Cancel culture as a phrase seems to infuriate the left-winged mentality but is destroying our basic norms, morals and beliefs and labelling many of us as White Racists?
We really resent the intent of that and is non-deserving.
Select splinter groups are either protesting or demanding attention to their rights. Maybe they should review the Charter of Rights as they stand and attempt to respect the content or the intention of them.
The very thought of changing or cancelling Canada Day is outrageous. I truly hope what I read is a total myth.
Within the last several years as we watch the celebration there is marked visible content on stage of most every group whether it be colour, creed, religion or gender recognition. Does this mean anything called Canadian or do weekly apologies from the prime minister suffice?
We can do much better.
Gayle Smigg
Hanna, Alta.