Operating budget approved with increase in taxes

Written by ECA Review

Starland County council approved their 2023 operating budget during their May 18 meeting. The 2023 draft interim budget resembles the 2022 final operating budget.

According to the information package given during the meeting, “a two per cent increase to overall taxes levied has been applied. This does not necessarily translate into a two per cent increase to the tax rate which will be dependent on our final 2023 assessment values.”

The increased taxes levied are due to increased expenses since the interim budget was approved. There have been increased salaries due to new positions, increased operating costs, a payment to serve capital debt and new initiatives.

“The total budgeting operating revenue for 2023 is $16,068,191,” according to the information given at the council meeting.

During the last council meeting, Judy Fazekas, the Starland County corporate services director, said she went through all of the changes for the budget.

“The biggest change was to the Tax Practice Levy, I had originally put at two per cent increase in tax revenues,” Fazekas said. “But because of new initiatives, and some new salaries, we had to increase taxes a little bit more so there’s actually a two per cent increase to the tax rate across the board for all tax or assessment classes.”

Jessica Campbell
ECA Review


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