Following a public hearing held June 14 at Delburne council chambers, council gave second and third reading to Bylaw 1122/2016 to approve rezoning of property on 24 Avenue from R1 to R2 Zoning. No members of the public attended the hearing but email and verbal comments to councillors and the CAO indicated no problem with the rezoning.
The property will become home to a fourplex constructed from units originally part of the Calgary Olympic Village.
Both the interiors and exteriors of the roughly 700 square foot units have been updated.
Amazing results
An initial $30,000 investment in an enzyme product to treat sewage lagoons has paid off well for Delburne as council compared photos of the lagoons from a year ago to last month after introducing the Acti-zyme pellets into the sewer lines.
According to Acti-zyme’s website, the natural, environmentally safe product helps digest organic matter, reducing sludge and odour.
A physical removal of the lagoon waste would have cost upwards of $125,000, according to CAO Karen Fegan. The yearly application of pellets into the sewer lines costs $5,000 with this year’s supply already included in the initial start up costs.
Redefining rec levy
The special recreational levy of .5mill is under review as council decides whether to open the application process to all organizations to apply for the funding.
Previously, the rec levy has gone towards projects like the arena, skatepark and playground but, after an inquiry from Delburne’s Aging Well Society, council is considering the idea.
Council plans to workshop the idea and devise an application process. The levy will likely remain limited to capital projects.