Dear Editor,
The other day Hilary Clinton made a “gaffe” as the press reported it. A string of very “deplorable” words rolled off her tongue as she belittled thousands of Americans.
Their crime is not that of blowing up a building, stealing classified secrets that may jeopardize the safety of all Americans, or manipulating the stock market. Their fault is the fact they are not among those who support her run for president.
No, they are the plumbers, coal miners, farmers, carpenters and taxpayers who see in Donald Trump something that they do not see in the political elite.
Right or wrong, they are fed up with what we call “political correctness”.
Now I ask you, what is really meant by that phrase?
It appears those who are the so-called leaders in our country and our neighbour to the south can employ derogatory terms at will when referring to anyone who is not of their ilk.
This is so evident when those who do not agree with certain lifestyles or certain political agendas are attacked verbally. It is not uncommon to hear slurs such as racist or bigot spew from the mouths of the politicially correct when they cannot convince the masses to follow their lead.
This mindset carries through into all manner of social and political fields and is at the heart of Hilary Clinton’s comments.
She illustrated her complete arrogance and elitism by using the phobic words she employed. But she is certainly not alone.
It is a type of bullying used by those who want to further their agenda and they are not adverse to using these methods in order to accomplish their goals.
The idea that we are to be kind and loving to all and not call them names only applies to the common Joe, not to these folks.
The word phobia is so often misued. The meaning according to Webster’s dictionary is “an irrational, persistent fear or dread”. I think most of us have known or maybe even experienced some sort of phobia . . . claustrophobia, a fear of small spaces; acrophobia, a fear of heights; and yes, arachnophobia, a fear of spiders.
What I want to point out is that a phobia is not an opinion. So when a person who does not agree with a certain lifestyle is called homophobic, the word is misused.
Or, if I am cautious about who we allow into our country due to certain behaviours exhibited by an ethnic or religious group that does not imply I am xenophobic which means a fear or hatred of strangers or foreigners, it simply means I have a different opinion than some.
The idea that our dislike of someone or something stems from fear is a fallacy. I’m afraid of a tiger but I really like them. I am not afraid of a mouse but I really don’t like them!
In today’s politically correct society those who support a traditional view are often labelled inappropriately and are considered either hateful or radical. We are urged to get on the band wagon, after all, this is 2016.
So regardless of how immoral or ridiculous some laws, thoughts or actions are, we are suppose to rubber stamp them simply because those in leadership say we should.
In a free society all should be able to express their views without this ypes of ‘put-down’.
There is an old saying that goes this way. “people in glass houses should not throw stones.”
If those of a different persuasion wish to label others unfavourably, perhaps they should move out of their glass houses.
Faye Pearson
Stettler, Ab.