A large amount of information is available online about an application within the boundaries of the County of Stettler to expand an intensive livestock operation.
The Hutterian Brethren of Donalda through applicant Kenneth Hofer is seeking to increase the size of an ILO they have located at SW 19-42-17W4M.
The application includes increasing “current chicken layers” number from 7,700 by 27, 300 to a total of 35,000.
When contacted by the ECA Review Apr. 29, Natural Resources Conservation Board director of field services Andy Cumming stated that a wealth of information about this and other ILO applications is available online at www.nrcb.ca.
When an application for approval is received by the NRCB, noted Cumming, it goes to public notice and the NRCB then seeks public input.
This application was considered complete on April 16, and the public then has 20 working days to submit comments, in support or opposing, to the NRCB.
Therefore the deadline for public input on this application is May 14.
Any member of the public has an opportunity to comment, but Cumming noted those wishing to comment must either be a resident who lives within a certain radius of the operation in question or, if they don’t reside within the radius, explain how the application directly affects them. Cumming stated that the radius can differ from operation to operation.
He stated the NRCB does not make a decision on applications until all feedback is received and will then make a decision that may or may not include added requirements.
Stu Salkeld, Local Journalism Initiative reporter
ECA Review