‘Not easy to go against the grain’

This is an open letter to the mayor and council of Forestburg.

When you passed the masking mandate for the Village of Forestburg without first consulting your constituents you not only acted in a cowardly fashion, you stepped over the line into criminal behaviour. 

No government institution following the “narrative”  has shown scientific evidence justifying  their actions to limit Constitutional Rights and Freedoms.  

They,  as you have, jumped onto a medical tyranny without any consideration of the consequences.

History will show this year as a catastrophe of blind aquiescence to a manufactured “pandemic” for the furtherance of a global agenda.

The science is clear and has been for several years that masks are  actually harmful to those wearing them for any length of time.   

With this bylaw you are willfully forcing people to do themselves harm. You are violating their right to be secure in their person.

We can start with Dr. Fauci’s own NIH study in 2009 on masks and the H1N1, through  the following: https://www.climatedepot.com/2020/05/23/physicists-new-study-why-masks-dont-work-how-.governments-are-operating-a-science-vacuum/ ; and many in between and since.  

Look up Denis Rancourt, Dr. Dolores Cahill and Dr. Roger Hodkinson.   

It’s all out there. Rather than being spoon fed, do your job and your own research.  

Even the WHO that started this fiasco has reversed its position and agrees that masks and lockdowns are harmful.

There is a reckoning coming for all that participated in this crime against humanity, there always is.  

My question is, are you willing to actually follow common sense and real science to rectify an egregious wrong?  

Two heroic councils that already have are Sylvan Lake and Bashaw.  

It’s not easy to go against the grain; doing the right thing requires courage and conviction.

I urge you to study this issue with an open mind and quash this bylaw.


Marc Presseau,

Forestburg, Alta.

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